In some cases of my life I have felt very sad and wanted to cry for things that I wanted, in which I spend money but in the end it is not what I expected.

In November of last year I was working, what they paid me was not much money, but it was enough to buy what I wanted, on the 5th of this month I was looking at the Facebook platform, at that moment I saw a dress that I loved😍 and it was very my style, I wanted to buy it so I got excited and I did it, the shipment took two days to arrive, I wanted that dress to reach my hands, when the shipment arrived at my house I was totally disappointed I was very angry😤 because they had cheated me with this garment , because it was not similar💔 to what they had taught me. I remember I cried, I made the decision to sell it at a cheaper price, it hurt because I could have spent that money on something else. Right now I should have that dress with me, but I learned a lesson which was "in some cases appearances are deceiving."😭

When I had my birthday 🎂I decided to buy a crop top that was very fashionable at that time, I loved seeing how it looked on other girls,💆 I thought in my mind that it would look good on me too, so I decided to buy her, at the time that I saw it was very pretty, also for me it was a wish to have a crop top, but the problem came when I put it on, it did not fit me as I expected, if I had known what this crop top is like I would have fit it, I would not have bought it, 2 months later I gave it away.😓

A year ago I saw some shoes🙈 in a store, I loved them and I bought them, these shoes were very nice, and they also combined with all the clothes I wore, it was a great desire to have these shoes, I am one of the people I like to have different things, and these were very different, so I liked them better. After 2 months💨 these started to get damaged and break, I'm sorry this happened because I had to throw them away. If only those shoes had come out with good material I would still have them.😔

For many of the things I bought in the past I still regret it, but one lesson remains and that is that I should not buy things before trying them.😊


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I feel identified with what you mention in each story you comment on here, because it has also happened to me, but as you very well clarify, we learn from our mistakes. Have you currently bought things that you wished to have but then make you remorseful?

  3. It is interesting to read your stories, since it reminds me of situations where I buy clothes and they don't fit me well, that makes me angry and I understand your feelings, my question is, nowadays do you think that you are more selective when you buy your clothes?

  4. I completely understand you because many times I have regretted buying something and then for some reason I wish I had never bought it. I think that teaches you to be more careful with the purchases you make online or pay more attention to the quality of things. So if you are going to make a purchase now, do you look more closely at all aspects?

  5. I have never bought clothes online, but it seems that it is usual for people to cheat with false sizes or poor quality fabrics, which is very annoying. I hope it doesn't happen to you again.

  6. I think that you should look for reviews of the stores where you get your clothes, it always works for me.

    Have you looked for stores on Instagram?

  7. You should have thought twice before buying clothes on the internet, because it's easier to cheat on you like that.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Reading your stories and what you say at the end, it seems very important to me that you have learned about these mistakes, they are things that happen, but they will help you a lot in future purchases. Do you think you should have been more careful now when buying?

  9. I wish I had bought that dress in the place face to face to be able to wear it and I know if I liked it or not.

  10. I wish nowadays you would have been a little more careful with the purchases you make in your clothes, by the way it looks very cute.


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